Submetering vs. Communal Metering (RUBS) in Managing Water Utilities for Multifamily Housing

Efficient water utility management in multifamily housing is increasingly crucial in today's context of heightened sustainability and rising costs. Property owners and managers are exploring methods for water billing, with a focus on two primary methods: individual water metering (submetering) and communal metering (Ratio Utility Billing System, or RUBS).

Submetering: This method involves installing individual water meters for each unit within a property, tracking the exact water usage of each unit. It allows for precise billing based on actual consumption.

Communal Metering (RUBS): RUBS uses a formula-based approach to allocate water costs among residents, factoring in elements like unit size and number of occupants. While simpler, it lacks the accuracy of individual usage tracking.

The following is a detailed comparison of the two methods:

Aspect Submetering RUBS

Initial Costs

Higher upfront

Lower initial cost


Higher upfront, high ROI potential

Lower upfront, moderate ROI potential

NOI Impact

Accurate cost recovery, enhances NOI

General cost recovery, easier billing process

Efficiency Impact

Enhances individual usage efficiency

Streamlines the billing process efficiency

Meter Reading Method

Individual meter readings, possibly automated

Allocated based on factors like occupancy, unit size

Administrative Work

Detailed management, automated systems

Simpler management

Infrastructure Needs

Enhances property, requires installation

No installation, adaptable to existing structures


Ongoing maintenance but adds infrastructural value

Minimal maintenance


May require retrofitting in older buildings

Universally applicable


Adheres to stringent regional standards

Must align with local guidelines

Legal Complexity

Requires adherence to regional regulations

Subject to local laws and norms

Conservation Impact

Directly promotes individual conservation

Encourages general conservation awareness

Property Value

Adds value with physical infrastructure

Simplified implementation without infrastructural changes

Tenant Perception

Viewed positively for fairness and transparency, but may lead to dissatisfaction due to additional billing

Costs typically incorporated into rent, maintaining consistency but potential for fairness concerns


This analysis highlights the differences between water submetering and RUBS in multifamily housing. Submetering offers precise billing and individual water conservation incentives but introduces a separate billing system potentially causing tenant dissatisfaction. In contrast, RUBS often includes water costs in rent, providing consistent billing but with potential fairness concerns due to less accuracy. The choice between these systems involves a balance of financial, regulatory, environmental and tenant satisfaction considerations, tailored to each property's unique context.

For property owners and managers considering water submetering systems, Tehama Wireless provides comprehensive solutions and expertise. Contact us to learn more about customizing a submetering system to meet your property's specific needs.


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