
Tehama Wireless is raising the bar for utility cost recovery and conservation.  

Innovative engineering expertise and a deep commitment to user experience and product design have combined to make Tehama Wireless one of the world’s leading automated meter reading device manufacturers.

Tehama was founded in 2003, but its core engineering team has worked together for more than 30 years.  Its hardware has been in the field since 2004, remotely monitoring temperature and other environmental data in the healthcare and food service industries. In 2010, the company introduced its second generation hardware and software, which has since grown to become the widest selection of wireless utility submetering products, all of which are made entirely in the United States. 

With all of the major multifamily utility billing companies among its clients, today Tehama products are in use across hundreds of thousands of residential units, campus facilities, manufactured homes and commercial and landscaping operations.

Continually improving upon its motto “to keep it simple and human” the company has a deeply ingrained philosophy of smart product design and a deep commitment to providing the best possible support and training for its customers, distributors and partners. 

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